Jane Jacobs quote

"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody." ~ Jane Jacobs

The 2nd Annual Heart Of Orange Placemaking Conference

~ Saturday, April 10th ~
10 am - 4pm
(Registration opens at 9am)

First Presbyterian Church

420 Main Street
Orange, New Jersey

At the first annual Heart of Orange Placemaking Conference, neighbors, friends and colleagues came together to create a vision for the future of Orange, NJ as the urban village of the 21st Century, a just and beautiful city. Michel Cantal Dupart, a world-renowned French urbanist, joined them. The result of this momentous gathering was the Heart of Orange Plan. The Plan lays out a strategy for Orange’s future as a premiere 21st city. Building on decades of community organizing in Orange, several exciting projects are now in motion that will: reclaim our public spaces, improve our economy and help residents at risk of losing their homes.
Our 2010 Urbanists-in-Residence Terri Baltimore, Rich Brown and Denys Candy will discuss how their community organizing and planning is revitalizing Pittsburgh’s Hill District. Denys and Terri founded and lead Find the Rivers! which is currently developing a "greenprint," for the Hill District. Rich Brown is a graphic designer whose work supports community organizing.

Workshops include:

The Bridge and Tunnel Project: South Essex

Imagining Tony Galento Plaza

Working on the Corner: Re-creating Space for Day Laborers

Tenant and Homeowner's Rights

Graphic Design and Community Organizing

~ Lunch is Provided ~

Admission is free but please R.S.V.P. to universityoforange@gmail.com
with R.S.V.P. Placemaking in the subject line.

*We will be collecting donations for earthquake relief. UofO is committed to the long-term struggle to rebuild.

To learn more, please watch these short movies:

For more information about our speakers, please visit their websites:

Collaborating Organizations:

Funded by: